Fraud Blocker J-Dogs Inc. | J-Dogs Catering & Amusements |

    Foam Party

    Foam Party

      • Outlets: (1) 110v circuit

      • $600.00
      • Add For Quote

    Whether you're planning a Birthday Party, Gender Reveal, or any other type of event, Foam Parties are the newest and most fun idea! With add-on options like colored foam or glow-in-the-dark, your party guests are going to think this is a hit, no matter their ages!


    Foam solution is hypoallergenic, environmentally-friendly, easy to clean up, scent-free, and non-toxic!



    **Includes supplies for up to 2 hours**

    Additional Time available for $150/hour


    *J-Dogs Attendant required to operate and supervise. Attendants are an additional cost based on length of event time*